Ehro + Yakary

Ehro + Yakary, members of the 247 collective (CH), push musical boundaries by fusing electronics with rap. Their bold approach creates an intense, immersive sonic experience, blending contemplative moments with vibrant, festive rhythms.

In June 2023, they made their mark on the scene with their first project, “EY3 CONT4KT”, a poignant work in which the pain of memories and past loves is expressed through a hazy, luminous atmosphere, populated by symbolic ghosts. This dreamlike iconography becomes their signature, imbuing their musical universe with a singular emotional depth.

Their ascent continues with the release of “Making Movies” in February 2024. With these two projects already racking up more than 160,000 listens, Yakary and Ehro made their mark on the Swiss scene, reinforcing their presence with a remarkable tour of French-speaking Switzerland, with performances in such em blematic venues as Amalgame (Yverdon), RKC (Vevey), Groove (Geneva), Case à Chocs (Neuchâtel), Reitschule (Bern) and Fri-Son (Fribourg).

Their latest three-track EP, “La douleur part avec le vent” (released November 2024), lays the foundations for a major project scheduled for release in March 2025. In this opus, the ghost becomes an enigmatic, elusive presence, embodying the memories that haunt their work.

Ehro + Yakary offer an innovative vision of music, providing a unique and memorable experience for every listener, where emotion and innovation meet.

